About Halotherapy
Relax in our computer-controlled, state-of-the-art treatment room while pure salt crystals flow through your lungs and sinuses – providing natural relief from your allergy attacks and other respiratory ailments to help you breathe better. Halotherapy can help you feel good, whether you come on your own or on your doctor’s advice as a compliment to a prescribed treatment regimen. It’s clean, absolutely safe, and you’ll feel great!
What is Halotherapy?
Halotherapy, also known as salt therapy, is a man-made salt room that uses a generator recreating the same environment as natural salt caves.
The History of Halotherapy
‘Halo’ means salt in Latin. Halotherapy has been used throughout history for respiratory and skin conditions. There are records that show improvement to miners in Roman and Medieval times. For centuries, monks used naturally-occurring salt caverns to treat respiratory ailments; they also ground the salt for people to inhale.
In 1843, Feliks Boczkowski, who was a physician at the Polish salt mine Wieliczska, wrote that miners at Wieliczka did not suffer from lung diseases. This information lead to the opening of the first salt spas.
Boczkowski’s findings were confirmed in World War II when salt caves were used as bomb shelters. People stayed in salt ccaves for extended periods of time and when they exited the caves, people with asthma found that they could breathe more easily.
The first Halotherapy rooms opened in the 1960’s in Eastern Europe, in the form of health sanitoriums and respiratory hospitals. Over the years as the therapy has grown more popular, salt rooms are now available in spa settings. Halotherapy rooms can be found around the world, and now here in the United States. In this controlled environment, one can relax and receive the restorative benefits of Halotherapy.

Sinus Infections
Ear Infections
Sleeping Disorders
Cystic Fibrosis
Asthma - Eczema - Sinus Infections - Ear Infections - Sleeping Disorders - Stress - Acne - Bronchitis - Snoring - COPD - Nervousness - Headaches - Allergies - Psoriasis - Cystic Fibrosis - Arthritis - Cough - Depression - Emphysema -
If you’ve ever breathed easier after spending a few days at the beach, you know first hand the relief salt air can provide. The difference is our salt air is highly controlled and concentrated, so symptoms frequently improve after only one session.
Dry salt aerosol therapy is 100% drug free and can be used safely in combination with your current medications and treatments to provide relief as you’ve never experienced before.
Clinical tests have proven that Halotherapy is effective at relieving symptoms of many respiratory and skin ailments.
A recent paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that long-term salt treatment had a positive impact on lung function, reduced pulmonary exacerbation, and did not have any negative side effects.
How It Works
A 45-minute session breathing ionized air that is introduced into the room by a special halo generator. It is recommended that you wear lightweight clothing during your session in order to achieve maximum results.
Is Halotherapy right for you?
Our Halotherapy room was specifically designed for people suffering from respiratory and skin issues, ranging from asthma, to allergies, to eczema.
Salt care presents a unique treatment option for those with allergies. The sterile chamber, first and foremost, removes the patient from contact with external stimuli during the period of treatment, allowing the nervous system to reset itself. Due to the specific dispersal method, dry sodium chloride aerosol acquires a negative charge and high surface energy. The particles have an electro-ionic effect on both the skin and the internal tissues of the sinuses and respiratory tract, calming hyperresponsiveness and allowing normalization of the body’s reaction to stimuli. Inflammation is reduced due to the natural properties of the inhaled salt particles, which also thin bronchial and nasal secretions. Improved drainage allows for a reduction in contaminants that may trigger or prolong allergic episodes. Additionally, salt’s ability to absorb edema from swollen mucosa linings in the sinuses and respiratory tract opens airways to bring about quick relief of symptoms. Long-term studies with allergy patients in Russia who reported remarkable improvement over a period of ten years have led to halotherapy being recognized as a certified allergy treatment by the Russian Ministry of Health and other associations in Europe.
Halotherapy consistently demonstrates a dramatic positive effect on symptoms of asthma and obstructive bronchial conditions caused by inflammation and harmful debris in the respiratory system. Over a series of treatments, inhalation of dry salt aerosol will bring about the improvement of mucociliary clearance and decrease of bronchial inflammation, the decrease or elimination of pathogenic microorganisms, and a reduction of bronchial hyper-responsiveness. This translates into better lung function, fewer spasmodic attacks, and clearer air passages with less use of drugs to control symptoms.
Even chronic deep cough due to tobacco use, nicknamed “Smoker’s Cough” shows marked improvement with continued treatment. Naturally antibacterial and anti-inflammatory sodium chloride particles are carried into the deepest recesses of the bronchial system due to the unique aerosol dispersal system and the microscopic size of the particles.
In controlled studies, the majority of subjects with asthma or COPD showed reduced bronchial obstruction, better drain function of the airways, and improved viscosity of bronchial secretions The number and intensity of asthma attacks was reduced, and respiratory discomfort decreased or disappeared, which allowed most to reduce or even eliminate prescribed medications.
Salt care has an immediate remedial effect on the symptoms of colds and flu. Breathing becomes easier as inhaled salt aerosol naturally absorbs edema from swollen air passages and thins mucus secretions so that drainage is easier. The dispersal system of microscopic salt particles used in this therapy allows the salt aerosol to be taken deep into these cavities, bringing the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action to the root of the problem. Relief from the irritation of sticky mucus secretions and debris, as well as the antispasmodic effect, produce by calming negative ions, calms and quiets coughs. Equally important is the sterile, isolated treatment environment, free from exposure to any external challenges, which gives the immune system the chance to reassert itself in this supportive atmosphere and initiate a healing process. Additionally, the deep cleaning of the sinus cavities and respiratory tract inherent in this type of treatment reduces the toxic load on the immune system, regardless of external exposure. A series of halotherapy treatments not only helps to relieve and heal a current cold or flu episode but increases resistance to new infections for months in the future.
Salt therapy has proven to be an invaluable resource for sufferers of cystic fibrosis. The hydrophilic and microkinetic action of inhaled salt particles thins unnaturally thick and sticky mucus, clearing accumulated secretions and unclogging passages in the bronchi and bronchiole. Other benefits are the absorption of edema from the mucosa lining of the airways and the reduction of inflammation in the respiratory tract and sinuses. The extremely viscous nature of mucus secretions in patients with this disease often causes a buildup of bacteria. Salt therapy naturally combats this problem and can reduce the person’s reliance on antibiotics to control frequent infections. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on the effects of salt therapy on cystic fibrosis patients, “The results of our trial were revolutionary. We saw a sustained improvement in lung function, a major reduction in the number of lung flare-ups, a reduced need for antibiotics to treat flare-ups, and fewer days off school or work due to illness.”
Halotherapy has been proven to have a multidimensional positive effect on various forms of dermatitis, including acute symptoms of acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Depositing on open skin areas, haloaerosol increases the activity of skin ion channels, stimulating cell growth and regeneration. Dry salt particles balance skin pH and autoflora, as well as reduce harmful bacteria and inflammation. After a series of treatments, study subjects showed decreased itching, decreased or resolved scaling of the skin, and the drying and healing of small fissures, scratches, and exudative symptoms. Skin and respiratory diseases are often coexistent, and dermatitis is associated with other issues of the immune system. The effects of inhaled salt particles on the respiratory tract decrease bacteria and improve bronchial drainage, thus decreasing overall toxicity and reducing the likelihood of future outbreaks. The sterile environment and negative ions relax and modulate the nervous system, freeing the body from the stresses of external stimuli and initiating healing and rebalancing. Multiple studies in Russia have shown salt therapy to be effective in the relief of dermatitis symptoms, and of potential long-term benefit as part of a total body approach to healing.
Salt care’s ability to reduce edema in passages and cavities not immediately accessible to other means of treatment makes it the perfect solution for dealing with ear and sinus infections. The Salt Cocoon is perfectly safe and comfortable for children as well as adults and can bring not only relief in the short term but lasting resistance to recurrence of such infections. In the case of ear infections, aerosolized particles are able to penetrate deep into the internal passages of the ear, reducing inflammation, edema, and bacteria in the Eustachian tubes. Relief of edema from swollen tissues widens passages, improving drainage and increasing aeration behind the tympanic membrane, reducing infection in the pockets where bacteria often builds due to collected fluid. Relief from sinus infections is also achieved through deep penetrating dry salt particles. The negative charge of haloaerosol particles causes them to be literally drawn into the essentially positively charged environment of inflamed and infected sinus cavities. Relief is achieved quickly as mucus secretions become thinner and are able to drain properly, removing trapped pockets of debris and bacteria. The ionic particles also stimulate the immune system, increasing the body’s innate ability to resist further infection as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties reduce the current episode. This can significantly reduce the use of antibiotics in chronic sufferers of ear infections and sinus infections.
The multiple effects of halotherapy on the body enable it to address sleeping issues with a variety of causes. Most basically, snoring and sleep apnea caused by obstructed air passages are relieved due to the antiedemic and anti-inflammatory properties of salt particles. Air passages are opened and widened and spasms of inflamed irritated tissue and smooth muscles are modulated, so restful breathing can be achieved. Many subjects have found relief from sleep apnea previously treated by drugs or sleep machines in a single session, with results improving daily as the series progressed. On a deeper level, salt therapy also provides a treatment environment where healing can begin for an overwhelmed and unbalanced nervous system. Exposure to the excessively positively charged atmosphere of the everyday world can cause an imbalance in our own electromagnetic fields, literally creating an inability to relax from the cellular level up. The dispersal method of salt particles into the salt cocoon increases their surface energy, enhancing salt’s natural negative charge, and increasing its ability to rebalance the body’s EMF during the treatment period. The Salt Cocoon isolates the individual in an environment free from all interference, allowing her to achieve deep relaxation. In this situation, the nervous system is able to reset itself and reassert its natural proper balance. More restful sleep is often achieved after the first session, and with repeated sessions, the body can relearn the process of achieving this state independently.
Halotherapy FAQs
What should I expect during a Halotherapy session?
Healing & Relaxation! Each Session runs for 45 minutes. The room has zero-gravity chairs so you can kick back, relax, and breathe.
What should I wear during a session?
Ideally anything comfortable, we recommend a tank top and shorts for maximum skin benefits. We will have you wear a hair covering and feet covering at the spa before you enter your session.
Can I bring my cell phone into the Salt Room?
Unfortunately, no. Cell phones and all other electronics are not permitted in the Halotherapy room. We also do not recommend anyone to take in watches or reading glasses.
What happens if I am late for my session?
Our Halotherapy sessions run at certain times of the day. If you are running behind and the session has started, we would be happy to reschedule your appointment as the schedule permits.
Is Halotherapy safe for everyone, including children?
YES! Halotherapy is a natural way of helping to manage health ailments. However, if you are suffering end stages of a severe condition we recommend discussing your desire to try a natural approach with your medical team of Doctors.
Yes, Halotherapy is safe for children. All children 14 and under must be accompanied by an adult.